Ethiopian News and About Ethiopia

Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa, bordered by Eritrea to the north, Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, Somalia to the east and Djibouti to the northeast. Its size is 1,100,000 km² with an estimated population of over 85,000,000. It is one of oldest countries in the world and the second most populous in Africa – only second to Nigeria. The population is diverse and has more than 70 different languages. The dominant ethnic group in Ethiopia is the Oromo (40%), followed by the Amhara (30%), and Tigray (6%).

Ethiopia has the most number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa and is famous for its rock-hewn churches, structures that tell the long history about Ethiopia. Ethiopian news is dominated by achievements of its world famous distance athletes. Ethiopia’s well-know distance runners include Abebe Bekila, Mamo Woldie, Haile Gebresilassie, Kenenisa Bekele, Deratu Tulu, and Tirunesh Dibaba. It is difficult not to include such athletes when talking about Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is the origin of the coffee bean, and Africa’s largest coffee producer. Coffee is Ethiopia’s number one export and the source of most of it foreign currency. Some 12 million Ethiopians depend on coffee and related industries. Coffee is an integral part of Ethiopian culture and about Ethiopia.

The headquarters of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is in Addis Ababa, often labeled Africa’s “Diplomatic Capital,” as is the headquarters of the African Union (formerly the Organization of African Unity), of which Ethiopia was the principal founder.

Ethiopia is also known for being one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. For much of the past several decades, the country depended on food aid to feed part of its population. The country faced some significant droughts and famine in the last half century. Latest trends are, however, encouraging. For much of the last decade, the country’s economy has been growing 5-12% a year.

The government of Ethiopia is federal system of government. The current President is Girma Wolde-Giorgis, the ceremonial head of state. The Prime Minister and the head of the government is Meles Zenawi, who belongs to a coalition of parties known as the EPRDF. Under the present government, opposition parties, Ethiopian news organizations and several press watchdog agencies complain of lack of sufficient press freedom. They allege that citizens have little access to media about Ethiopia other than the state-owned networks, and complain that private newspapers are struggling under restrictive press laws.

Ethiopian news print media include state-owned newspapers such as Addis Zemen and Ethiopian Herald, and private newspapers such as the Ethiopian Reporter, Addis Fortune, Daily Mirror, Addis Admas and Ethiopian Capital. Ethiopian news organizations include the state-owned Ethiopian News Agency and the EPRDF-owned Walta Information Center. Internet-based Ethiopian news organizations are many but small and mostly foreign-based. Many of these sites complain of being blocked and inaccessible from within Ethiopia. Poor internet connectivity in Ethiopia may also be one reason for the lack of well-developed Ethiopian news sources on the internet.

Source by Tigist Yilma

December 2007 Disney World Construction and Refurbishment Updates

Disney World in Orlando is the number one tourist destination in the world. This is your chance to keep up with the Disney World construction and refurbishment news at Disney Vacation Club timeshare resorts, Disney hotels, and attractions that may have an impact on your upcoming family vacation. All information is directly from the Orange and Osceola County Florida permitting departments and has been researched and summarized by a Disney World area Florida certified general contractor.

A number of permits were filed for Typhoon Lagoon as the water park nears the end of 2007 refurbishment. Power is being added for a double convection oven and quick chill refrigerator at the Leaning Palms Restaurant, rotten wood on ticket booths is being removed and replaced, some rusted metal at Crush ‘n’ Gusher is being replaced with PVC, a switch at the wave pool is being replaced, and a new hot dog cart/stand is going in at Crush n Gusher.

The first permit for the Blizzard Beach annual refurbishment was filed; some electrical systems upgrades.

At the Downtown Disney Marketplace, the Christmas Ship is having a new fan installed, Rainforest Cafe is getting a new motor control center, and Santas Chalet was installed in front of World of Disney.

At the Disney MGM Studios (just weeks away from becoming Disney Hollywood Studios), Playhouse Disney is getting its electrical service upgraded; Food Pad 2 at the Hollywood Hills Amphitheater is getting replacements for electrical, lighting, water, sanitary and drainage; and the Animation Archway and Entrance Guard Shack will be renamed. A new spritzer, guest cooling system is going in at Voyage of the Little Mermaid.

At the Magic Kingdom, a handrail will be installed at the unload area of Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, while Tonys Town Square Restaurant will have some kitchen and service area work done.

Over in Epcot, Imagineering has filed a permit for the marquee package for the soon to open Velcro exhibit at Innoventions, as well as a new overhead speaker system in Canada.

The Epcot Germany pavilion will have its roof areas repaired, while the World Showplace Food Preparation Area will get a new loading dock and lift, as well as new lighting and a concrete walkway.

The Image Works post show at the Imagination Pavilion will see the refurbishment and refreshing of interior finishes including paint, light fixtures, projectors and floor covering.

Surveillance cameras are being installed at the Polynesian Resort parking lots and the Yacht & Beach Club Resort property roadway entrances and arcade.

The Polynesian Hotel will also see some kitchen work as the flooring is replaced.

A new marquee sign will be installed at the Fantasia merchandise shop at the Contemporary Resort.

Asphalt shingle roofing will be replaced in the lower courtyard area by the main pool at the Disney timeshares.

Pool decking will be removed and replaced and public restrooms will be rehabbed at the Caribbean Beach Old Port Royale feature pool.

The Amateur Athletic Union, located in the original Walt Disney World Preview Center building on Hotel Plaza Boulevard, will get a new signage package, courtesy of Walt Disney Imagineering.

Source by E. Lee Reid

Cruising Mistakes That You Must Avoid

Cruising is one mode of travelling that can take you to a whole next level of entertainment and adventure. If you are looking forward for a break or vacation from your busy and stressful work routines and want a new adventurous trip with your friends and family then cruising is the most suitable option for you. Now there are two ways via which you can book a cruise, one is by contacting a travel agent or book your cruise online. All the information and precautionary measure are always mentioned on the websites of cruises but yet there are some dos and don’ts that you must know and should avoid a few things that can upset or ruin your cruise experience.

Here in this article we will guide you on what things should not be done on a cruise trip and how to make the best out of your journey.

Choose The Cruise Carefully!

The first thing that you need to focus on is the decision of your cruise or cabin, try to get almost all the details of the cruise and know what kind of facilities they provide and which ones are not available. Try to pick up the best suitable cruise for yourself and do research on it so that your journey can be full of fun as per your choice.

Avoid Taking Unnecessary Items!

Always make a list of the things that you require on your tour a week before. Exclude the unnecessary items as they can cause a heavy luggage which will be difficult to handle and it is but a fact that the more stuff you have, the more careful you have to be about its protection. So, always take necessary items only!

Avoid Spending Unnecessary Money!

When you are on board then you must always be careful about your money and where you spend it. Avoid your unnecessary expenditures as the cruise trip is already very costly so you should spend it on those activities and facilities that you think can be an add-on to your cruise experience.

Take Care Of Your Possessions

Always look after your possessions and lock your room when you are going out. Lock your door to balcony, especially during the night hours when anyone can enter your room. Bring as less items as you can so that you don’t have to worry about them later. And be also careful about your cash, don’t bring a huge figure of cash on board as that can lead to theft and robbery!

Source by Hammad H Sheikh

Preparing for an Overseas Flight? Air Travel Tips Part Six

Hopping on a plane to go anywhere seems to grow more complex every day. New security procedures and safety considerations trigger a never-ending parade of rules and regulations. This article, the final in a series of six, can help you through the maze. Be sure to collect the entire series.

  • Do you have trouble sleeping on an aircraft? Are you a nervous passenger? Pack some chamomile teabags in your carryon! Once the plane is in the air, ask a flight attendant for some hot water and steep a soothing cup of chamomile tea. It may help to lull you into a relaxed sleep.
  • If you have connecting flights, make sure that your luggage is tagged to your final destination. This will save you the hassle of collecting luggage, getting through security, and catching your connecting flight.
  • Rather than pay the steep fee for headphones, be sure to pack your own.
  • Avoid that lethargic feeling – take a brisk walk or work out in the gym before heading to the airport. You will arrive feeling refreshed and ready to face the jostling crowds at your destination.
  • Familiarize yourself with all the airport terminals you will be passing through during your trip. You can use the Internet to locate maps of airports. Study them a bit, and carry printouts with you while you travel. If you anticipate a time crunch between connecting flights, study the map carefully before you land so that you will know exactly where you need to go to catch the next plane.
  • Airport restaurant food is far superior to what is served on the aircraft. Eat in the terminal before you board and during delays between connecting flights.
  • Be conscious of where the emergency doors are located. Count the number of seats to the nearest exit so that you can find your way out in a smoke-filled cabin. Read the onboard information about safety procedures. Then relax! The chances of serious problems are very slim.
  • Try to get an advance seat assignment when you book your tickets. This will lower the likelihood of being bumped.
  • If possible, see if you can pack everything you need into one carryon. You will save time and bother, because you will be able to circumvent the checked baggage system (and the possibility of lost luggage).
  • If you take anti-nausea medication, do so the minute you buckle into your seat. The drug needs time to get into your system before it can be of any benefit to you. Waiting until you start to vomit is too late!
  • The most dangerous parts of any flight are take-off and landing. Try to book non-stop flights when possible. You save time and increase safety. Remember, though, compared to all other forms of travel, air is statistically the safest way to go.
  • If you wear contact lenses, dry air in the cabin can irritate sensitive eyes. You may want to switch to glasses while you fly. If you do opt to stick with your contacts, ensure that they are scrupulously clean and that you keep them lubricated.
  • Do not carry your tickets with you while you are out sightseeing and dining. They are important documents that should be treated with the same care you give your passport. If you do lose a ticket, report it immediately. It may take some time to replace, requiring you to pay for a second ticket up front (while you wait up to several months for a refund).
  • To help very young children with pressure changes during descent, encourage them to chew gum or suck on a soother (or thumb).

(c) Copyright Kathy Steinemann: This article is free to publish only if this copyright notice, the byline, and the author’s note below (with active links) are included.

Source by Kathy Steinemann

Free Website Traffic – Let’s Get It!

Getting free website traffic is a relatively simple thing to get, but we will need a lot of it make real money on the Internet. It is true that you can waste your money on a thousand different schemes so it is good news for you, to learn that you can get a lot of traffic for free.

How many times have you heard people say that they can get you lots of  ‘free’ traffic? Give me a dollar every time I have heard that one. The fact is, that there are a lot of genuine webmasters out there who can provide that service. It just takes a long time to find the right ones.

The good news is that you won’t have to spend years looking for the right systems because I have already done that for you! As they say, history can repeat itself, well in this case that is a good thing, especially if you have a system for getting web traffic that actually works. It is a simple system but it requires a bit of effort on your part.

Just like most things, it can be a good idea to stop for a minute and look at our surroundings. I know that there was a time when I would purchase every program that I promised me riches through the Internet. I was a great customer I can tell you.

When I took a step backwards and pondered on what I was trying to accomplish, I found that there are hundreds of free software programs that would do the same thing that I was paying others for.

One of the easiest ways to find these free tools is to do a simple search on the net. You should start with Google, because they have a great many cutting edge tools on offer for free. Also, there are a lot of Internet wholesalers out there that will give us good programs for pennies on the dollar. Your aim is to find some good keywords that people are using (what they are looking for) and then find a cheap (but good) program or eBook that can meet their needs.

To get as much free traffic to our website,it is just a matter of writing lots of great keyword rich articles and get them published. The more traffic you want is directly related to the amount of articles you must write. Post your articles on as many sites as you can and watch the free website traffic role in.

Source by Rob Hillman

Green Travel – Making Better Environmental Travel Choices

We all hear the term “global warming” all the time. During recent months I have started to read travel stories how the permanent ice cap of Mount Kilimanjaro is melting, how ski resorts in the Alps are going to be closing permanently due to lack of snow fall, how glaciers are melting in the Arctic, how increasingly more frequent and severe weather disturbances are disrupting tourism, and on and on the stories go. Some of these stories even exhort us to go now before some of these scenic places will be transformed or gone forever. Climate change has now become an issue of concern for global travelers.

Travel, of course, has environmental consequences. Long-distance travel involves the creation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, airliners are some of the most intense pollutants in existence today. In addition, wherever we go, we consume food and other services, and we create waste. So what to do?

As far as airplane emissions are concerned, there are actually a few concrete things we can do. There are ways of offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions generated by air travel by means of purchasing trees that will be planted to offset these emissions. At Trees for the Future, your US$40.00 will actually pay for the planting of 400 trees which will help offset greenhouse gases. You will also get a Global Cooling Certificate and bumper sticker. On their website you will also see a list of partners, including lodges and bed and breakfasts that are powered by renewable energy sources.

The Rainforest Alliance actually offers a variety of information to eco-savvy travelers. They also offer a sustainable tourism certification to tourism establishments which is based on methods for reducing the consumption of water, energy and other resources, and to improve the management, handling and disposal of waste. They even make a toolkit for best sustainable tourism practices available for small and medium enterprises in the tourism industry.

On their website, the Rainforest Alliance also advocates a number of simple eco-friendly behaviours that we can all try to follow:

o Support local economies by seeking out locally owned lodging and dining establishments, locally grown food and locally manufactured products and crafts.

o Patronize green hotels whose managers have programs that save water and energy.

o Stay on hiking trails. Clean up your own mess and dispose of waste properly. Keep a distance from wildlife.

o Travel by mass transit as much as possible.

o Avoid vehicles with two-stroke engines such as jet skis, scooters and certain boats, which are enormously polluting.

o Be culturally sensitive to local customs, greetings, dress codes and food habits.

o Treat others with the same respect that you would ask for in your own community.

Other eco-certification programs for tourism operators and tips for eco-savvy consumers include the following websites:

– Terra Choice

– Green Globe 21

– Environmental Choice

– Green Seal

– The Global Ecolabelling Network

– The Climate Neutral Network

Another interesting website is Future Forests: it advocates a “carbon neutral” lifestyle, in order to neutralize our impact on the environment. Future Forests have been proving people with a variety of environmental gifts since 1997. You can dedicate a tree, for example, for $10.00. You can even plan carbon-neutral weddings with Future Forests.

One neat thing about their website is that they offer a really cool carbon emissions calculator that allows you to calculate your anticipated flying or driving emissions. I thought let’s check this out, so I entered some assumed data for a flight from New York City to London, England.

Instantaneously I found out that this flight would produce 1.22 tonnes of CO2. The calculator also tells me if I dedicate 2 trees I can make this flight carbon neutral. Alternatively I would be able to supply 2 energy saving light bulbs to a small community in the developing world. Both options would be £30. I also checked their carbon emissions driving calculator. If I travel 400 km (250 miles) every week in a car with an engine size between 1.4 and 2 litres, I would generate 4 tonnes of CO2 a year, which would take 5 trees to offset.

In addition to planting trees, you can also purchase “carbon offsets”. A “carbon offset” is actually an investment in a project or action with the goal of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions. Offset projects come in many varieties and may include tree planting or reforestation, building retrofits (i.e. installing more efficient heating/cooling systems) or wind power projects.

According to the Better World Club’s website, this is the way it works: you can book a flight through Better World Travel – Members and get a free carbon offset for their US domestic flight ($11 value.) If you book a flight through the Internet, another travel agency or airline, send them a tax-deductible donation to offset the CO2 emissions from your flight. ($11 for domestic flights or $22 for international flights.)

So the good news is there are indeed ways of counterbalancing the environmental impact that we all have, even while we travel.

Source by Susanne Pacher

My Experience Paying a Bill in an Italian Village During the Corona Virus / COVID-19 Crisis

It was February 21 when I unknowingly relocated to the Italian countryside to hideout from the Corona Virus. At the time, this hadn’t been my plan because I was engaged in other activities. I had spoken with some friends and students about the likelihood that the Corona Virus would slowly travel across Italy. Although I had questioned whether the virus could impact Italian exportation of cheese and comestibles negatively, it was clear that I and others didn’t really believe the virus would leave much of a mark.

That same day, I heard there had been an outbreak in the Lombardy region, sixteen confirmed cases! Yet, most people thought it could be contained. There was no way that the Corona Virus would reach the Piedmont region, I thought. Most people dismissed this possibility, and many even went both to work and to school with cold and flu-like symptoms that resembled COVID-19. I was suspicious, telling myself that it must have been all in my head.

Then Piero told me I would be better off not taking the usual train to Borgomanero because infections were rising and it would be a little risky. Thinking that I was better safe than sorry, I agreed to travel with him by car. Little did I know that I would only return once to Novara to pick up the items that were necessary to get through the month! From then onward, I would be glued to the TV news in addition to the Internet news, which would arrive from sources across the world as I was interested in a wide variety of viewpoints.

Not long afterward, everyone in Italy would be required to stay home so as not to infect others or catch the virus. People could only go out to buy necessary food, to visit the pharmacy, to pay a bill, or to eat and drink at a local coffee shop or bar. Villagers in Gattico-Veruno began to get out for countryside walks in pairs if they resided together in the same homes. For a brief period, it was nice to see people out and about, returning to nature rather than travelling to neighboring towns for entertainment. As we saw the gloomy news about the victims of Corona Virus, we stopped going outside, and soon the government required everyone to produce an ‘auto-certification’, stating their exact reasons for exiting their homes or leaving their yards.

Despite my angst, the day eventually arrived to venture outdoors again, just to pay rent in America. I had called the proprietor to get an extension, but the operator who answered was clueless about all that had been happening in Italy. They needed that rent money immediately, not knowing that the virus would soon arrive in the States, too. It seemed like I existed in a sci-fi film, and my article about why people loved zombie movies became more relevant to my state of mind.

Armed with an ‘auto-certification’, hand sanitizer, and respirator masks, we hazarded out into the sunny open air. Few people were around. First, I tried to get money from the bank that was closed. Then I tried two ATM machines that weren’t working. Still hopeful, Piero and I went to the local post office in Gattico-Veruno where a kind young man, possibly in his forties, came out to help me use the ATM machine that was still refusing to accept my card. Next, I wanted to load an Italian debit card inside the post office.

There was another masked woman in line who feared contamination. We were the only ones waiting, following the national decree to keep space between one another. One of the clerks in his late fifties to mid-sixties seemed grumpy, probably because it was unfair that he had to work when most others were at home. It was certainly risky for him to be there. Both of the clerks said that the internet was not working correctly, and there was no telling how long we would have to wait. They recommended that we go to another post office.

Discouraged once again, Piero and I went to the neighboring village of Bogogno, a cute little town that reminded me of a painting by de Chirico because there wasn’t a soul around. I couldn’t help think about how I would like to stay there for an extended period. Too bad it was that the virus had invaded the country, making it impossible for tourists to enjoy such magnificent beauty! How could it be that such a small village could be exposed to a harmful virus? I asked myself. If only God, who is represented in countless churches across Italy, heard our prayers!

Inside the Bogogno post office, I found a gracious woman in her mid-sixties who was wise enough to wear latex gloves to handle money. She was working behind a glass partition with a little hole at the bottom through which cash, debit cards, and papers could be passed back and forth. Maybe she was relieved that I, too, was wearing gloves and a mask. She efficiently took care of the transaction while carrying on a delightful conversation with me. I was amazed by the way she could provide excellent, friendly service while not wasting time. I didn’t forget to wish her health and safety although one hesitates to say such things that might be understood by some Italians to bring bad luck.

As I exited the post office, a stranger was about to enter. He was moving so fast, without a mask, that I jumped back for fear of contagion. When he realized that we had to keep a distance, he also distanced himself. Piero was waiting for me outdoors in the distance as was required by law. Hastily, Piero and I made our way back to the car, me thinking what a shame it was not to be able to enjoy such a delightful village.

We did not stop anywhere that I can recall on our way back to Gattico-Veruno. I just took a deep breath and looked for police that might question us. It seemed spring had begun as there were plenty of flowers adorning the houses and gardens. The landscape looked serene while the dark, heinous Corona Virus lurked somewhere out there, unbeknownst to us.

Source by Laura Gail Sweeney

Save Up To 45% Booking a Hotel Room – Comparing Prices Between Expedia and TravelBlock

As much as we all love to travel, the one thing everyone is always cautious of is the cost. We always want to ensure that the costs are covered, the tickets, hotels and accommodations. There won’t be any vacation if you don’t have those sorted out. Travel and leisure have come a long way from the traditional method to a more revolutionised approach.

It’s harder to tell whether you are striking a great deal or not and that’s why we are here to help you out. Are you ready for some great news? Travelblock just made it possible for you to have your dream holiday travel at a lesser cost. How? Keep reading to find out.

All about Travelblock

Travelblock is a platform based on the blockchain technology aimed at providing cost-effective solutions to customer travel. It has a sustainable plan backed by a well-established functioning platform that provides you with all your travel information at the lowest prices.

Currently, travel booking is made through the Global Distribution System (GDS). GDS is a computerised network that allows travel information to be shared and transactions processed by service providers and agents. It covers all travel areas like the hotel room, car rental, aeroplane seats and railways among others. Due to this, travel agents like Expedia have readily available information concerning your travels at all time including cost and so on. Moreover, this comes with high fees that are mostly passed down to you as the customer making travel expensive.

What they do

Travelblock has revolutionised the way travel is done, and not only does it gives lower prices, but also gives you some of the best deals too. Travelblock aims to change the way travel booking is made by bringing you directly to the service providers. This is possible through the use of blockchain technology to bypass all third parties that usually add to your costs. This, in turn, gives you up to 45% savings on all your travel purchases. Not only that, it comes with increased reliability, security and transparency. Since you pay with their token, your payment security is guaranteed. Why settle for anything less.

About the Travelblock Token

The token (TVRL) which was on sale from March and ended in April is the primary means of transaction. This token is purchased using the Ethereum, so if you already have one, you are in luck. So, once you have these tokens, you are on your way to enjoying some of the best deals and offers in the travel industry.

How the Platform Works

• Travelblock creators have a well vast experience in the travel industry as well as the connections. With these connections, they broker the best deals in the industry for you.

• They buy inventories like flights, hotel rooms and railway directly from the providers.

• These inventories are now made available on the platform for you to purchase from using the TVRL tokens.

• With the money they got from you, they reinvest it into the industry.

Advantages of booking with Travelblock

• Low travel cost, no hidden fees, commission and anything related to what you already have.

• Optimum security due to the blockchain technology.

• Free membership (just by owning a TVRL token) and access to great deals.

• Validated reviews.

Price Comparison between Travelblock and Expedia

Expedia is one of the travel sector giants but at what cost too you the customers. They are governed by the rules and regulations of the GDS and as such their fees can only go as low as a few bucks. However, due to the absence of a third party, and the presence of Travelblock tokens, you get up to 45% discounts. That’s giving you more money to spare for other travel enjoyment.

Source by Stephen Ochieng Oduyah

You Will Wish You Were a Poet on Your Mauritius Holidays

You will wish you were a poet to describe the beauty that Mauritius enshrines once you set foot in this glorious island; the same way I did when I saw the many natural marvels on Mauritius, the island that, according to ancient myths and legends, is said to have been created before Heaven.

Well, while geologically, this is not actually true, legend has it that some 8 million ago, Vulcan, the blacksmith and god of beneficial fire, set to create this tropical paradise-like corner of our planet. Everybody who has been there has to admit that in this particular case his fire was incredibly beneficial indeed. Moreover, he doused the forges thoroughly, so there is no need to worry about them coming ablaze again. You are absolutely safe.

Mauritius holidays are like beautiful dreams: fluffy, a bit blurred and delicately intoxicating. And; of course, extremely enjoyable.

The very first thing that pleasantly surprises holidaymakers on their arrival to Mauritius is the pure air: very clean, fresh and pollutant-free with a very pleasant light smell of the sea. You breathe it in and immediately become slightly inebriated. Then you see the beaches; dazzling white fine sands and turquoise shades of crystalline waters. It’s no wonder Mauritius was recently awarded with World’s Best Beach title. Here you can leave all your cares and troubles behind and swim in the glistening sea lagoon protected by a large coral reef. These three elements: sea, sand and air, are usually enough for you to quickly forget your day-to-day worries and start living the dream.

But if these are not enough to convince you or persuade you into booking Mauritius holidays, there are the mountains with lush green tropical forests if you venture further inland, you also have small uninhabited islands off the coast to explore, some of which are nature reserves with biotopes teeming with interesting creatures and animals.

Scattered across the island you will also find cosy restaurants or taverns offering an original mixture of cuisines and playing live sega, the lively music that is typical of the island, a lively expression of the authentic Mauritian way of life: joyful and vibrant. Mauritius also offers an abundance of activities you can take part in. The list of these could go on and on, so I’ll only mention a few of the most popular ones: scuba diving at the colourful coral reef, snorkelling in the shallow transparent lagoons, going deep-sea fishing and taking submarine rides.

Yes, I wished I were a poet on my last Mauritius holidays, but I now have the feeling that even if I were one, words would fail me anyway.

The last piece of good news about Mauritius is that English is more or less the official language on the island and most people speak at least some of it, with French Creole being the other non-official more widely-spoken vernacular. Hence no need to use your arms to make silly gestures to make yourself understood. In Mauritius the language, just like its beauty (and pretty much everything else) easily flows.

Source by Susan Crown

Top 5 Travel Destinations on Earth Where the Hottest Women Live

Many guys wonder where the world’s sexiest and most available women live. Well to help answer this question we have put together the top 5 list for the world’s most exciting and exotic travel destinations where the planet’s most desirable women call home.

1) Costa Rica: The country has 2 coasts, one on the Caribbean Ocean and one on the Pacific Coast. It has 7 Volcanoes and is an Edenic Paradise filled with Earth Angels. You may never want to leave!

2) Brazil: Brazil is a mystical country and the women are enchanted creatures. It’s a dream state experience you are never sure you lived. You will try it again just to see if it really was that good.

3) Cuba: There is nothing like it. An island paradise filled with tempting delicious women. Cuba is an untapped preserve of the freshest beauties alive.

4) Colombia: The country is vast and wide. Some of the bad news is true and some not. The women are luscious vibrant creatures dripping with femininity. Read up on what’s safe and what’s not and you will do well. Many Americans travel to Colombia today.

5) Dominican Republic: The country is a treasure chest of crystal clear sun warmed beaches. There is a classical mix of cultures and timeless tradition here. The women vary from light-skinned and green-eyed to Mocha dark flesh with moonless-night black eyes extenuated by midnight blue hair thick as rope and soft as china silk. Breath taking!

Keep in mind if you are planning to travel to one of these fine destinations or somewhere else. And you are interested in meeting foreign women, you can get ahead of the game by meeting them online first.

You can use free social sites to meet as many women as you like from the country and city where you are traveling. Get to know them now and have first date’s already set up and waiting to go before you even land.

The best part is, not only are these women intoxicatingly beautiful, there are also super friendly and easily approachable. All you need to do is be your self, no games or special pick-up tricks are required.

Source by Carlos M Duran

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